South American is the third title of the season for Sada Cruzeiro and the 34th since 2010
02/03/2019 at 23:50
In the 2018/19 season, Sada Cruzeiro underwent a major rebuilding in their team and it is a consensus for most fans that this is one of the most challenging seasons for the blue team. But the squad keeps fighting hard every day. And the results have proven that the group commanded by Marcelo Mendez continues hungry for wins and achievements. The last one was this Saturday, March, 2nd, in the South American Clubs Championship, beating Argentine UPCN by 3 sets to 1 and conquering the sixth title. It was the third trophy raised by the team this season, that also conquered the regional Mineiro championship for the ninth time and Copa Brasil for the fourth time.

Since 2010, Sada Cruzeiro has participated in 44 championships, reached 39 finals and added 34 trophies – Photo: Agênciai7 / Sada Cruzeiro
The triumph at Arena Minas, over the Argentineans, also represented the 34th title for the team. Since 2010, one year after merging with Cruzeiro, Sada Cruzeiro participated in 44 championships, with 39 finals played.
“We built a sensational story of many achievements and overcomings. It’s something surreal what this team has been doing. There is no lack of commitment and dedication in a group that works hard without leaving out any athlete nor picking which championship to play. We always fight till the end”, says Serginho.
“Being a champion is amazing, we just want to continue winning by doing what Sada Cruzeiro always did, which is to win titles. I am very happy to be part of this team”, recalled American Sander.
Categoria: South American Championship